Best Ways to Keep Snakes Out of Your Pool
There’s nothing quite like having a pool in your backyard, especially during the dog days of summer. It’s great to get into your swimsuit and take a refreshing swim on a hot day. But wait – there’s a snake in the water. How did it get there? How do you remove an unwanted visitor from your pool? How do you keep snakes out of your pool?
A Little Information About Snakes
Snakes are a ubiquitous part of life in the United States. They can be found in every state with the exception of Hawaii.
While many people are fearful of snakes, they are an important part of our ecosystem, eating rodents and other pests.
Unfortunately, they also sometimes find their way into swimming pools. In this article, we’ll discuss what attracts snakes to pools and how to keep them out.
Snakes are either tolerated or disliked. Those who dislike them want them to depart as quickly as possible. Snakes, nevertheless, are an inevitable component of life in the Southwest for those on the other side of the fence.
There are actually 76 distinct snake species in Texas alone. The majority are non-poisonous. However, you don’t want to encounter one floating in your pool or leaping out at you or your family from around the pool’s edge when you least expect it.
What Attracts Snakes To Pools?
Snakes are attracted to pools and yards, in general, for a variety of reasons. Snakes love sunbathing on concrete, but there are other factors that contribute to their interest in pool areas and backyards. If you do any of the following things:
- Don’t mow your lawn or trim your bushes on a regular basis. Snakes like hiding in thick vegetation. While you may mow the main portion of your yard, look for snakes in areas where the grass is longer. Longer grass also attracts snakes’ favorite foods, such as mice and other tiny animals, making it an appealing feeding ground for these scurrying vermin.
- Feed your pets inside. Even if you keep your lawn and bushes correctly maintained, leaving uncovered pet food outside may attract snakes. Why? Because exposed food draws rodents. Snakes subsist on rodents, which make up the bulk of their food. If you feed your dogs outside, be sure to collect their kibble after a reasonable amount of time so mice don’t have a table booked.
- Remove standing water in your backyard. Snakes, like humans, need to drink water. Anything that keeps water near the ground, such as tire swings, toys, and other locations where rain gathers, draws snakes.
Snakes dislike swimming in a chlorinated pool since the chlorine is poisonous to them. They usually end up in a pool as a result of chasing a rodent or other food and falling into it by accident.
How to Keep Snakes Out of Your Pool
If you’re looking for the best ways to keep snakes out of your pool, look no further! Here are eight great solutions:
1. Keep Snakes Out of Your Yard
Keeping snakes out of your pool begins with keeping them out of your yard. Snakes will hide in your garden, which is the most natural location for them to do so.
Mow your grass at least once a week during the spring and early summer, then every other week as the hot season progresses.
Trim your bushes heavily in the spring and clear out beneath them. It also helps to trim back all of the bushes and trees near the pool so that no leaves or branches are hanging over the pool.
2. Use an Exterior Deterrent
Try to use a deterrent around the exterior area of the pool. Snakes do not enjoy substances like ammonia or vinegar.
Snakes avoid crossing anything, so pour ammonia or white vinegar along the pool edges. Snakes are very cautious and will not take risks with ammonia or white vinegar.
3. Install a High Fence
Make sure that your fence is high enough so that snakes cannot get into the pool area. This won’t completely keep snakes from getting to your pool. However, it can lessen the chances. At the very least, it can provide you with a little peace of mind.
4. Repair Holes in Your Fence
Make sure that there are no holes or gaps in your fence where snakes can enter. If you have a thin fence, try to reinforce it.
Don’t underestimate the intelligence of snakes, who can make a hole if they really want one. You can also use a wire mesh fence instead of a chain-link fence. Snakes cannot climb over wire mesh fences.
5. Keep Your Pool Covered
Keep the pool covered when not in use. This is particularly important at night and on overcast days. Remember that most snake bites come from people stepping on them or trying to catch them with their hands.
Most snakes are attracted to pools because they provide a convenient water source and plenty of food. Snakes usually end up in a pool as a result of chasing a rodent or other food and falling into it by accident.
They also may hide near the pool in tall grass or vegetation, which provides them with cover from predators.
6. Keep Bushes Around Pool Trimmed
There are several other things you can do to decrease the likelihood of a snake sighting in your pool. For example, remove any standing water from your yard and keep bushes around the pool closely trimmed so they don’t overhang them.
Also, make sure there are no holes or gaps near your fence where snakes can enter.
7. Keep Your Pets Away
Don’t allow pets to spend a lot of time around the pool area. Pets can attract snakes. This is mostly because pets attract rodents, and rodents attract snakes.
Snakes can also be lured in by pet food, so it is best not to feed your pet in the same area where your pool is located.
8. Remove Debris From the Pool
Keep the pool clean and free of debris so that snakes will not be attracted to it. Make sure that there are no rocks near the pool where snakes can hide from people and other animals.
They are always looking for places to hide, as they are easily frightened by their surroundings.
What To Do If A Snake Gets In Your Pool
If you do see a snake in your pool, the best thing to do is to stay calm and get out of the pool. Do not attempt to catch the snake with your hands, as snakes can bite when they are scared. Try to remember what color the snake was so you can report it to your local authorities.
Use a Net
A pool net may be used if the snake is free-swimming in the water.
If a net isn’t accessible, they’ll cling to anything that’s long and flexible, such as a pole or even a stick, provided you lift the snake up from below and quickly relocate them.
Wait It Out
If a pole or stick doesn’t work and you’re not brave enough to jump in and scare the snake away, just wait until it finds its way into the skimmer.
Remember that at this point, the snake is undoubtedly screaming for help and does not want to be in the pool. He’s trapped.
Pool return jets are generally designed and intended to circulate water on both lower and top surfaces. The water on the surface should flow one way, through the skimmer, and debris should be collected by the pump.
Remove the Skimmer Basket
If the skimmer basket is broken or has huge cracks and/or holes in it, the snake will be drawn to the pool pump basket. The skimmer basket will need to be removed.
To remove the skimmer basket, grab the basket handle with a hook on a pole and fling it elsewhere! If you live in an area with an abnormally high concentration of snakes, you may want to take additional precautions.
It’s not typically necessary to call a professional snake catcher when you see one or two. However, if there are hundreds in your yard, it may be time to hire someone. A trained individual can safely remove the creatures without hurting them.
In Conclusion
Snakes can be very dangerous if they get in pools. For them, the water is a place where they can take refuge from their predators and also cool down.
The problem with this is that if you have creatures crawling around in your pool, then you will need to take the necessary precautions to get them out.
If you live in an area where there is a high population of snakes, it’s best to contact a professional to help keep them out of your pool and yard.
These experts know how to properly bait and trap the reptiles so they can’t get into your property anymore.
If you follow these tips, you can help to keep snakes out of your pool and protect yourself and your family from potential danger. Remember, if you do see a snake in the pool, it may be safest to call a professional to take care of the situation. Snakes can be dangerous, so it is best to be safe rather than sorry.
With a little bit of vigilance, you can keep your pool safe from these slithery invaders. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to relax and enjoy a swim without worrying about snakes.