How to Get Rid of Pollen In Your Pool
Do you have a pool and live in an area with a lot of pollen? If so, you know how frustrating it can be to constantly deal with the pollen in your pool. It can be hard to get rid of and often leaves your pool looking cloudy.
So what is the best way to get rid of pollen in your pool? The best way to get rid of pollen in your pool is with these 5 easy steps:
Run Your Pool Filter |
Use Aluminum Sulfate By Adding It to the Water |
Use a Pool Skimmer on the Water |
Shock the Pool Water |
Vacuum Your Pool |
While we all consider pollen to be a nuisance because it can cause allergies in some people, as well as being problematic for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions, there is so much more to it and what it can do to you and your pool. So in this blog post, we’ll talk about what is pollen, why your pool has pollen, and the best way to get rid of pollen in your pool in just five easy steps, so keep reading to find all of this and more!
What Is Pollen?
Pollen is a powdery substance that is released by plants during their reproductive process and it can spread this way. It can also be transported by bees and other insects, which act as pollinators, and without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce. Pollen is most commonly produced in the spring and summer months, but depending on where you live and the types of trees and plants in your area, it can be a year-round ordeal. As there are many types of trees that produce pollen. Some of the most common include oak, cedar, birch, and pine. If you live in an area with a lot of these trees, you may find that your pool is constantly dealing with pollen.
Pollen In Your Pool
So, how does pollen get in your pool? Pollen can end up in pools for a variety of reasons. It can blow into the pool, be carried by animals, or even be tracked in by people. In most cases, pollen will end up in your pool simply because it’s nearby. If you notice that your pool is looking cloudy or if there is a film on the surface of your pool, this is likely pollen. If you suspect that your pool has pollen in it, be sure to test the water to confirm.
So, now that you know why pollen gets in your pool and how to tell if your pool has pollen, what can it do to your pool? If you have a lot of pollen in your pool, it can cause your pool to become cloudy, and even sometimes you can see it floating on the top of the pool water. It can also clog your filter and make it difficult to keep your pool clean. Pollen can also affect your pool’s water chemistry and even cause staining over long periods of time.
The 5 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Pollen In Your Pool
Now that you have an idea of what pollen is and how it affects your pool, let’s examine each one of the five easy steps in detail so that you can get rid of the pollen in your pool.
Step 1. Run Your Pool Filter
The first step is to run your pool filter. If you don’t keep your pool filtration system running all day every day, you’ll want to run this. This is your pool’s first line of defense and while it may increase your energy bill, the expense may be worth the work of the manual labor spent caring for it after the fact. However, it should be stated that while a pool filter can help to remove some of the pollen from your pool, it’s not going to be 100% effective. This is because pollen is very small and can easily pass through most pool filters. So, if you want to use your pool filter to help with the pollen problem, you may want to consider upgrading to a higher-quality filter.
Step 2. Use Aluminum Sulfate By Adding It to the Water
The second step is to use aluminum sulfate, a chemical compound that can be used to kill or remove pollen from pool water. This chemical is commonly used in pool treatments and can be found at most pool supply stores. In order to use aluminum sulfate to remove pollen from your pool, simply add the recommended amount to the pool water and circulate it for a few hours. You should then see a significant reduction in the amount of pollen in the pool water.
This is a key step, as pollen particles can be incredibly tiny. In fact, they can be so tiny that they’ll go right through the filter or skimmer. So the reason why this is important is due to the fact that adding aluminum sulfate will help the pollen particles clump together, therefore making them bigger and easier for your pool filter or skimmer to pick up.
Step 3. Use a Pool Skimmer
The third step is to use a pool skimmer and clean up any pollen that’s accumulated on the water’s surface overnight. The best skimmer for getting rid of pollen in your pool is one that has a very fine mesh. This will help to ensure that the pollen is caught and doesn’t end up back in your pool. You may also want to consider a skimmer with a basket that can be easily emptied. Additionally, you should try to put aside time to skim your pool water regularly.
Step 4. Shock the Pool Water
The fourth step is to shock your pool. While shocking a pool won’t get rid of the pollen itself, it will help kill anything that may have hitched a ride on the pollen on its way into your pool. Shocking your pool the night before you skim it.
Step 5. Vacuum Your Pool
The fifth step is to vacuum your pool if needed. As sometimes everything above isn’t enough to get rid of all the pollen. If you find that you still have pollen left after steps one through four, you may have to vacuum the pool. While a pool vacuum can be effective in getting rid of pollen, it should only be used as a last resort. This is because using a pool vacuum can be time-consuming and expensive to do since it will raise your water and electric bills. Hence why it should be done as a last resort step. However, if you do decide to use a pool vacuum, be sure to empty the bag after each use to prevent the pollen from being redistributed back into your pool.
By following these simple steps, you can easily get rid of pollen in your pool! Pollen can be a pain to deal with but by following these steps, you can keep your pool looking clean and clear all season long!
How to Prevent Pollen In Your Pool
There is actually something you can do to prevent pollen from getting in your pool in the first place. One thing you can do is use a pool cover and cover the pool when you are not using it. A pool cover will help to keep pollen out of the water. It will also make it easier to remove when you do have to clean the pool. Also, not only will it keep pollen out of your pool but also other debris and even pests.
Another thing to do is use a pool filter, as a good filter will help to trap pollen and other contaminants before they have a chance to enter the pool. Another way to prevent pollen from getting in your pool is just keeping the pool clean. As stated in the five steps, regularly cleaning the pool will help to remove pollen and other debris that can cause problems. Finally, another good tip is to change the water regularly if you live in an area with a lot of pollen. As you may need to change the pool water more often to keep it clean.
Things You Will Need to Get Rid of Pollen
All the things or tools that you will need to get rid of the pollen in your pool include:
- Pool Shock
- A Pool Skimmer
- Aluminum Sulfate
- A Pool Vacuum
- A High-Quality Pool Filter (Only If Your Current Filter Is Either Old or Low Quality)
You may also want to have a test kit on hand to test your water to ensure that your pool chemistry is balanced.
While the tools listed above are the key items you will need, there are a few other things that you can add to your pool to help with pollen. One option is to add an algaecide. This will help to kill any algae that may be growing in your pool. This will also help to prevent pollen from sticking to the sides of your pool. Another option is to add a clarifier. As this will help to remove any small particles, including pollen, from your pool water.
Final Thoughts
Pollen can be a pain, not only to deal with in our pool water but also with allergies as well. So by following these easy 5 steps you can rid your pool of pollen. As well as know the best way to prevent pollen from getting in your pool in the first place. So, just remember to clean your pool regularly and to cover your pool when you are not using it. Thanks for reading!